Thursday, June 5, 2008


I didn't know that there was actually this collaboration between Sarah Chang and Julian Llyod Webber the brother of Andrew Llyod Webber to produce the Phantasia Suite. Phantasia is actually a violin and cello double concerto based on music from The Phantom of the Opera. I randomly heard this piece on the HMW CD machine and I must say like the voice version it is absolutely gorgeous.
Sarah Chang handles the violin with such great tone and vibrato and virtuoso techniques. Webber on the cello is brilliant too. The tone is just amazing. Truly bringing out the human voice-like qualities of a cello. And as many people know by now I'm quite the tone freak, obsessed with tone though I might not possess the appropriate technical skills and control to produce the tone I want on my instruments but nevertheless I am a tone freak.
I think I should play Phantasia for my Opus 2 concert with Stacy or something. Not sure where to find the score though.
Here are the videos, enjoy

Think of Me

All I Ask Of You

All I Ask Of You is absolutely simply amazingly GRRRR no words can describe it. Brought tears to my eyes. I'm serious.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

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