Saturday, August 4, 2007

Life Satisfaction

Ming Yao said that I'm always so unhappy with myself after performance because I'm always not satisfied with myself. He said I should be satisfied with myself so that I won't feel so unhappy always. The point is during today's performance, another one of those things happen again. Its like normal practising at home or with Mrs Soh won't have such thing, but when it comes to performance, things go back. No matter how perfect the piece is in the practise room, all those practices goes to waste if you can't reproduce them on stage. So how to expect me to be happy and satisfied with myself when I know I could have been better and in fact I've achieved better in the practise room.

Anyway, I took this Life Satisfaction Test at here just for fun. So the results were

Slightly satisfied

You have an average score. The average of life satisfaction in economically developed nations is in this range – the majority of people are generally satisfied, but have some areas where they very much would like some improvement. Some people score in this range because they are mostly satisfied with most areas of their lives but see the need for some improvement in each area. Other people score in this range because they are satisfied with most domains of their lives, but have one or two areas where they would like to see large improvements. Generally people who score in this range have areas of their lives that need improvement, but would usually like to move to a higher level by making some life changes.

I guess I'm quite average like most other people which isn't too bad a thing. Of course there are improvements in my life that I would like to make.

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