Friday, May 11, 2007

I'm back

Phew!! Internet down for almost a week, bloody hell. During the most crucial week of GPP and EoM submission date too. WTH. luckily i managed to get time extension. Not a great week, Audrey Soh on fire again. Scolded us. Can't believe that they actually went to do the WRONG correction... Haix, how to describe...
Every single performing arts in VJ got at least a GOLD!! That is a damn sick standard..

Strings: Gold with Honours
Harmoc: Gold
Dance: Gold with Honours
Choir: Gold with Honours
CO: Gold
Band: Gold with Honours

and this equals FULL DAY!!!

Trio performance today was quite bad... Intonation was out, for me at least.
Andre Previn's idea of using drugs didn't seem to work out. I replaced drugs with Red Bull and my heart was beating twice the speed. but I was super alert for the entire music lesson though. Smazing

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