Friday, April 11, 2008

So close but still so far

I guess what copykate said is true that I put too much pressure on myself to perform well and I guess I haven't had many places to seek comfort and solace. In that sense, I think I'm pretty amazing. Yes! Self-praise. The average teenager going through what I'm feeling would have jumped off a building but here I am still living with hope for the unknown.

People say bad things happen in threes. But bad things have been going on for so long now that I've already failed to notice the good things happening. (ARE THERE ANY?) Like ex-classmates and faraway friends saying hello on my blog. My Wonderful Tonight and How Deep Is Your Love for the guitar concert was pulled. Pretty much leaves me out of the limelight. Its sad. I know. I very much wanted to perform that gig. But I guess at least I still have some items. My bassist was left with no item. Cheer up dude. I know exactly how you feel, happened to me in sec 4. All I can say is you still have a long way to go and lots of time left unlike me who's becoming old.

And yes, tomorrow is judgement day. The day of our PW results. Judging by how things have been turning recently, I shouldn't been feeling optimistic for it and I must admit that yes, there are some doubts in my heart which normally wouldn't be there.

I know that I've put in my very best for my PW and I shouldn't have any regrets but then again I don't think in a normal way. Trying my very best for PW will make me crave for the A even more. And yes, I must say that I won't be able to accept anything other than an A. Please la, whichever God that is punishing me or putting me through these hurdles in life, I think I've learnt a lot from them and shouldn't it be time for some glory now? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!

Apart from that I've been moving back towards English songs again in the past few weeks. At this point I must announce that I've gotten tickets to Mayday's concert in Singapore. YAY. Been moving back to a lot of duets from the 80's and 90's. Bee Gees, Bryan Adams etc etc. My iTunes never fails to shuffle some emo Josh Gorban or old Chinese songs at night. And I'm finding Kammermusik real irritating.

Anyway, been really addicted to this song since I heard it that day. Its So Close by Jon Mclaughlin from the movie Enchanted. I like the jazz infused chords which gives it this heighten sense of sophisticatedness and the singing is really emotional and the orchestra scoring is just so lush. Alan Menken charms me yet again as he has done so on so many occasions watching my favourite Disney cartoons.
Anyway here is the song,

There is this one thing that I realised about relationships is that I must get to know the person a bit first before making any moves. The problem is I don't have a chance/don't dare to approach/don't know if I should get to know the person better.

Anyway, good night.

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